Saturday, March 19, 2022

I have too many dolls...

From left:
unknown blonde, big doll, probably from 50s or 60s
Coline Cherié - ballet girl
Francesca by Furga
Polish folk costume doll sitting in front of Francesca
Our Generation doll
Pink haired curvy Barbie-doll
Three Animators, all repainted. Tiana, Elsa and Merida.
In front of the pink-haired Barbie is a small black doll, of unknown origin. I think she's from 50s.
A long row of Wee Three Friends by Mattel. Half of them are repainted, half will be repainted. They will be my Blythes :-D I don't like Blythe dolls, but I love what people do with them.
Then comes a bunch of Betty Tong dolls. And probably some clones or Petras or whatever. They look similar. I think I'll get rid of some of them so that I'll end up with 3 or 4. I really like Betties.
At the background, far right, is a cheap china doll I bought in the 80s. Her name is Anna Sofia.
In front of her is my Sindy and her friend Marie. There's also Sindy's boyfriend Mark. 
I think that's Betty Tong's boyfriend flirting with Marie... 
The last doll on the right, sitting in front of Mark, is a Creata doll. (Flower princess? Lace?)

The next group, waiting to be cleaned.
A big, blonde doll I know nothing about, dressed in yellow.
In the middle, back, is my big Bella, in front of her my little Bella.
On the right is a cloth doll Linnea. There's a Swedish children's book about her adventures. She likes gardening and art.
I don't know anything about the two small dolls on the left. They are very cute, though.

The last picture, but not the last of my dolls.
Disney Animators Pocahontas. 
Next to her is my Miss Fisher - repainted from a Kaysam Uneeda doll. They say she's from 60s, but I think she's from the 80s. I think they made her with Dollikin mold but from cheaper materials or something like that... She has only five joints, neck, shoulders and hips, but she has sleepy eyes. 
She had a horrible hairdo - with long curls in the back, and a poodle bubblecut rest of the head. The dress was awful plasticky "velvet". They say these dolls are rare, and I have ever only seen three on the internet, but I'd say they are rare because no-one wants them. Anyway, if I have destroyed doll history, I'm sincerely sorry, but it's done now, and she's miss Phryne Fisher now, waiting to get a whole 1920s garb.
The last doll in the back row is Ella from Bella company. (Like the Big and Little Bella)
In front of the girls are Ginger and Scary Spice dolls. I plan on getting the rest of the Spice girls.
Then there is Fleur, Disney's Esmeralda by Mattel, two modern Pauls (pretty awful dolls, need to be repainted ASAP), My Scene (Madison?) The dark haired beauty dressed in white knickers is a KURHN doll. A Shillman doll. Madame Alexander Space Pop Luna.
In front of Fleur is another Sindy. In front of her is Hermione from Harry Potter. Next to Sindy is Anna Moore by Pedigree. Anna Moore is a doll made after the Olympic rider Anna Moore, and she is meant to be riding. She is articulated at shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and ankles, and has a ball jointed waist. But she has a very weird body shape; long waist, low and wide hips. In front of her is two Mego Corp's Dinah Mites, black and white. They are articulated like Anna, meant to be very flexible and active. (Dynamite :-D) Next to kurhn is a Skipper clone (She looks like Peggy by Plasty, but doesn't have Plasty markings.) The girl climbing out of the box is Steffie Sunshine - the mother of the family. The last one is Dee Disco Girl by Matchbox.

Then I have a lot of Barbies and other 1/6 dolls, and some other dolls as well. 
I need to go through these dolls, wash them, fix their hair and problems (one of the dolls is missing her head :-D)

And then we'll start...

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Start? With What?

This blog is being inspired by several blogs and other sites online, and some books. Among others: Ruth's Corkboard Dirk's Dolls: Th...